What To Do When You Get Hacked


A Practitioner’s Guide to Incident Response in the 21st Century
Edition: 1st Edition
First Published: 2022
eBook Published: 16 November 2022
Pub. Location: Boca Raton
Imprint: CRC Press
Pages: 188
eBook ISBN: 9781003264293
Subjects: Computer Science, Economics, Finance, Business & Industry, Politics & International Relations

What To Do When You Get Hacked: A Practitioner’s Guide to Incident Response in the 21st Century teaches you everything that you need to know about preparing your company for a potential data breach. We begin by talking about what the latest cybersecurity threats and attacks are that your company needs to be prepared for. Once we establish that, we go into the different phases of the incident response lifecycle based on the NIST framework. This will teach you how to properly prepare and respond to cybersecurity incidents so that you can be sure to minimize damage and fulfill all of your legal requirements during a cyberattack. This book is meant for the everyday business owner and makes these concepts simple to understand and apply.